It is a very rare occurrence to find an author who brings together a unique set of specialized skills.
Glenis Phillips, the author of Map Your Finances, is one of those people. She has written a book drawing on her wealth of knowledge from more than forty years. She has been fortunate in that both she and her husband had high incomes from an early age, resulting in significant money to invest for her family’s financial future. Very few investors will have been directly exposed to investing in fixed interest securities, equities and property, together with managing a number of small businesses. From these experiences she is able to tell some interesting anecdotes, giving tips to both the novice and experienced investor.

Her first career was that of a progressive educator who moved quickly up the ranks of education to be lecturing at a teacher’s college at a very young age. Her style of writing is one of an educator who wants to give people the financial knowledge they need to understand and manage their finances. She has the ability to break down complex financial concepts so that the average person can clearly understand what is going to make their life more fulfilling and financially successful if they take the time to read this book.
Glenis has all the qualifications of a financial planner, but has never worked in the financial services industry. She sees herself as a consumer writing for the benefit of all consumers. There would be very few authors writing in this space who have not been actively involved in the financial planning at some professional level. Her insights come from a completely different perspective.
Having created the concept and supervised the development of Financial Mappers, she has established herself as the leading expert in financial mapping. While she does refer to her software, it is only used as an example for any financial mapping software. You don’t need to use any form of software to benefit from this book. The information is just as relevant to the international reader as to Australians from all walks of life.
If you want to take control of your finances, reading this book will get you on your way. For the more experienced investors, there is plenty of new concepts for you improve your financial skills and knowledge.
Disclaimer: Financial Mappers does not have an Australian Services License, does not offer financial planning advice, and does not recommend financial products.