Did you know the new definition for Retirement is “You have a choice”? Find out how the Millennials are making new choices in regard to retirement.
Recent studies suggest that over half of millennials in North America do not see themselves as ’emotionally and behaviorally’ connected to their job or company. Exhausted from high-pressure jobs and with a growing sense of burnout, some millennials are following a personal finance strategy that allows them to quit their day job and retire decades early.
For them, the new definition of retiring is “You have a choice”.
Your Money or your Life
In 1992, Vicki Robin and Joe Dominquez wrote the defining work Your Money or Your Life. With the last edition updated in 2018, this book is still a best seller almost 40 years later.
Financial Independence Retire Early
The FIRE Movement
It is this book that led to the FIRE movement which means:
Financial Independence, Retire Early
The basic premise is that you can retire, not on your age, but on the income, you generate from investments.
The FIRE formula for retirement is:
You need 25 times your annual spending to be able to retire early.
This means doing your savings over a 10 to15-year period early in life rather than extending it out over 30 years.
The philosophy is based on the Power of Compound Interest.
Compound Interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands – earns it. He who doesn’t – pays it. – Albert Einstein
Financial Independence Retire Early
There are numerous blogs in the FIRE movement. For a good one-page summary I would recommend Bryan Denny’s blog Financial Independence Retire Early.
Denny says the basics of the FIRE movement means you have to:
- Change your lifestyle to live frugally
- Pay off your debts
- Calculate how much money you can live on each year and stick to it
- Set up a detailed budget
- Cut back on non-essential spending and save as much as you can
- Increase your income
- Invest for your retirement
Nicole Spector, NBC News, in her article Millennials are determined to retire early. Here’s how they can actually pull it off, says that
43% of millennials expect to retire before age 65
Nicole Spector
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Achieve your goals with Financial Mappers – Financial Planning Software

This is quite a challenge and for those who want to attain early retirement, sound cash flow modelling software such as Financial Mappers is a good means of developing a personal strategy that will achieve your goals.
Twenty Good Summers
The FIRE Movement is not the only group providing answers to those who want to retire early. My personal favorite is Twenty Good Summers by Martin Hawes. His philosophy is
Work Less, Live More and make the most of your Money.
Martin Hawes
Read my book review.
While I am not advocating some of the extreme FIRE Movement saving plan, I do believe that this video posted on BBC News will give you many insights into how you can reduce spending and achieve the “Retire Early Goal”.
Playing with FIRE: The millennial movement to quit work
Some will think that they love their job, even after attaining retirement age. That’s great, but it may be wise to ensure that you have a choice. Sometimes poor health or employment opportunities may force early retirement.
Glenis Phillips SF Fin – Designer of Financial Mappers
Further Reading
Check out these additional articles I have found for you:
- What is the F.I.R.E. Movement? (Ramsay Solutions)
- The F.I.R.E. Movement in Australia (Finder.COM)
Disclaimer: Financial Mappers does not have an Australian Services License, does not offer financial planning advice, and does not recommend financial products.