I was only a few pages into the Preface of this book, “The No-Regrets Guide to Retirement”, authored by Patricia Howard and I knew I was in for a real treat. Here is a lady who tells it as it is. In the second paragraph, she says
I wanted to write a positive, practical, uplifting book
Mission successful!
Patricia Howard is an experienced financial adviser and finance journalist who has blended these two skills to deliver a totally engaging book for all those who are preparing for their retirement or who have already started that wonderful journey.

Moving into retirement is a phase of life that brings many unknowns. The most common concern is whether their savings will last. All too often people leave saving for retirement too late and then worry about how they will manage. For those people, Patricia has explained how they may maximize their financial resources. But more importantly, she shows them how to accept the resources they have and how to still have a fulfilled happy retirement.
Being a financial adviser, Patricia has engaged with many clients who have faced these dilemmas. There are some inspirational stories about how her more resourceful clients have overcome the lack of financial funds to have new exciting adventures in retirement – all at a price they can afford.
For those who have prepared well for their retirement, Patricia gives very sound advice on how to manage those resources. While having a financial adviser to help you maximize your superannuation and other investments is important, she explains all the common forms of investments. She gives simple, easy to understand solutions as to how people can manage their investments and maximize their income.
An important part of this book relates to the protection of capital. Without adequate capital, you can’t generate the income you need. This involves not only the danger of scams and risky investments but how to keep your money safe from family, friends, and new relationships.
As I was reading the chapter, Thrive in Retirement, I heard myself saying “My Mum did that! My Mum did that!” over and over again.
It brought back so many memories of my late mother who had a wonderful forty-year retirement. She never stopped learning, starting new projects, and being an active member of her community. As a result, she had a local park named after her, her story was included in the book “You’re a Legend” and was presented with a trophy which described her as “Citizen” – no further explanation of her character was needed.
For those who are feeling a little nervous about what their retirement may hold, this chapter will certainly inspire you to live your retirement years to the fullest.
I think this book best suits people from age fifty upwards. Even if you are retired, you will find sound advice on how to manage your money moving forward. More importantly, help you find new experiences that will ensure a happy and fulfilled life.
If you are a Financial Adviser, this is a book you could recommend to your clients.
For those with parents, I would recommend this book as a gift for their next birthday. I am sure they will appreciate your caring for their well-being.
This is a book I thoroughly enjoyed. It gave me much to think about for my personal retirement. I have told my husband I want him to read it as well. There are ideas in this book, I think we need to consider together.
If you read this book, I am sure you will have a NO-REGRETS RETIREMENT.
Patricia Howard will certainly show you:
How to live well, invest wisely and make your money last.

Glenis Phillips SF FIN – Good Financial Reads
Disclaimer: Financial Mappers does not have an Australian Services License, does not offer financial planning advice, and does not recommend financial products.