Together Australia brings Financial Literacy to National Prominence. For years I have been advocating for financial literacy programs so that financial advice can be affordable and accessible to all.

Together Australia
Adviser Ratings and Really Simple Money has taken the initiative and launched a national campaign called Together Australia.
The result is amazing!
Financial Advisers have put their weight behind the project and major companies in the industry have funded the project. It is estimated that over the coming months 200,000+ will visit the website.
I am hoping it will be much more. So please share this information with your friends and family – there is something on this website for everyone. It’s time everyone stopped and reflected on how they manage their money, particularly in these difficult and uncertain times.
Over 500 Financial Advisers have got behind this project. They have provided excellent content in the form of articles about everything you need to know about protecting your financial future.
Even better, you can ask a question and a Financial Adviser will give you the answer.
How good is that for affordable accessible advice for all?

Win $100,000 and an investment adviser to help
While betting is generally not a good investment plan, the odds are looking much better than Lotto, to take out the major prize of $100,000 or one of the smaller $10,000 prizes.
Think about what a difference this could make to your financial future. If you invest this money, returning 7%, for 20 years, you could have over $400,000. That is the Power of Compound Interest.
As Albert Einstein said:
Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it, he who doesn’t pays it.
For employers, please read my article, Remove Financial Stress for your Staff and see the Benefits.
You can get all your staff involved and it won’t cost you anything.
Financial Mappers supports Adviser Ratings
Adviser Ratings has an extensive list of Smart Tools for you to explore.
Financial Mappers is one of these Smart Tools.

Read what people are saying about Financial Mappers. on Adviser Ratings.
If you use Financial Mappers, we would appreciate your review on Adviser Ratings.
I urge everyone to support the Together Australia campaign and don’t forget to tell your friends.
Glenis Phillips SF Fin
Designer of Financial Mappers
Disclaimer: Financial Mappers does not have an Australian Services License, does not offer financial planning advice, and does not recommend financial products.