The other day, I received a phone call from the CEO of a moderately sized company. He told me he was sitting in an airport lounge looking for some financial planning software for himself when he came across Financial Mappers in his search.
Making a Financial Plan with Cashflow Modelling Software
His personal story was interesting. He explained that he was quite wealthy but was so busy in his business that he had not been taking the time to manage his personal investments. These investments included a large sum of cash in the bank, a portfolio of shares and a couple of investment properties.
The holidays had given him time to reflect on where he should be going for the next 12 months. He realised that having cash earning 0.1% in a cash management account was wasteful and he needed to find the time to invest in say a term deposit, currently earning over 5%. He decided he needed to create a proper long term financial plan showing all his cash flows, while he was still in the wealth accumulation phase of his life, but also how to manage the funds in his retirement.
Financial Mappers was the perfect software to provide all he required. Not only could he manage his finances, but the software would also automatically generate reports showing the estimated long-term results.
Financial Literacy Programs in all Financial Mappers software
He then got to talking about his employees and how he was always hearing stories of money mismanagement by his staff. He felt one of the problems was that they had never been taught any basic financial literacy skills.
He said that he was interested in providing all his staff the opportunity to use the Enterprise Version of Financial Mappers. He felt an obligation to look after his staff’s financial wellbeing. He was very familiar with the research that showed financial stress affects productivity in the workplace.
This could only be a win-win situation for both employer and employee.
Financial Mappers LITE in the Enterprise version is a program that allows employers or professionals such as accountants and mortgage brokers to provide a low-cost introduction to Financial Literacy. The software includes a very comprehensive Financial Literacy Program together with the opportunity to create a 5-year financial plan.
Financial Mappers LITE is designed so the Company providing the software to employees or clients pays a small fee for 12-month access to the software. Once the person using Financial Mappers Lite, has registered, they have the opportunity to update their account from LITE ( a 5-year plan) to Premium (up to 50-years) for a small additional fee. After the first 12-months, the person is responsible for the cost of renewing their annual subscription if they wish to continue using the software.
5-Year Savings Plan (Financial Mappers Lite)
For most people, having a 5-year financial plan is all they need.
Watch the video Financial Mappers Lite 5-Year Savings/Investment Plan.
5-Year Debt Management Plan (Financial Mappers Lite)
Excessive debt is one of the major problems to building wealth. Financial Mappers allows the user to create a debt management. Once they have repaid their personal debts, they will be funds available to start an Investment Plan.
Watch the video Financial Mappers Lite Debt Management for a 5-Year Savings Plan.
If you would like to know more about Financial Mappers Lite, contact me for the password for the resources page which explains how the program works.
I hope the year 2024 will be a new beginning for all those who want to start a realistic Financial Plan for the future.
Glenis Phillips SF FIN – Designer of Financial Mappers and Advice Online
Disclaimer: Financial Mappers does not have an Australian Services License, does not offer financial planning advice, and does not recommend financial products.