Making Money mad Simple is a book that has been in print since 1987 and has been updated twenty-three times. It is this book that earned Noel Whittaker a place in the list of “100 Most Influential Books of the Twentieth Century”.
If you follow my book reviews and financial literacy program, it is no secret that Noel Whittaker is my favorite author when it comes to understanding finance. I first read this book when it was first published in 1987 and now, I want to recommend this new edition to all my followers.

This is a book you should have on your bookshelf. While you can purchase a digital version, I think this is one of the few hard copy books you should keep as a handy reference. Each time you need to make a financial decision you can simply open the chapter and have a quick reminder of the things you need to consider.
It is great to see that Noel is moving with the times. When you buy your personal copy of the book you will be given a code which gives you access to a set of online resources. This allows information to be updated as taxation laws and economic circumstances change. Plus, you get access to bonus chapters, recommended reading list and a fantastic set of calculators.
Making Money Made Simple does exactly what the title says. It gives the reader in simple, plain English everything you need to manage your money. Sometimes people try to over-engineer how to create wealth. The fact is that anyone, can follow Noel’s very simple set of rules. If you do follow this rule you will be rewarded. One of the most important rules is that if you don’t have a saving’s plan, you need to start today. I would say, that if you don’t have a savings plan in place, you should read this book and they follow Noel Whittaker’s advice.
This is what you will learn in Making Money Made Simple:
- Simple steps to a lifetime of financial security
- A foolproof plan to get out, and stay out of debt
- The guaranteed secret of wealth
- How to negotiate the best deal when buying a house
- How to save tens of thousands of dollars on your home loan
- The blueprint to invest in shares safely and easily
- How to protect your hard-earned wealth
- Strategies to minimize tax
- Proven methods to turbocharge your superannuation
- How to identify and defeat (once and for all) your financial enemies
This book is illustrated with a delightful set of cartoons illustrated by Paul Lennon. It’s great to see Noel’s sense of humor in play. I am sure they will bring a smile to your face. It will remind you that some people do really silly things with their money, when all you need to do is simply follow Noel’s advice.
Once you have a good command of this book, you will have the foundations to move on to Noel’s recommended reading list to delve further into your areas of interest.
I highly recommend every person should read this book.
More importantly, if you have children from high school age up, they should also read this book. Understanding the key principles of this book at a very early age, will save them hundreds of thousands of dollars over a lifetime of practicing good money management skills.
Glenis Phillips SF FIN – Good Financial Reads
Disclaimer: Financial Mappers does not have an Australian Services License, does not offer financial planning advice, and does not recommend financial products.