For anyone with teenage girls, “Money Queen – Rule your Money” is the perfect gift. Most teenage girls don’t want lectures from their parents about money. This book will engage your teenage girls. It will take them on a journey from tweens to teens to young adults, providing them will all the knowledge they require in getting them started on a pathway to good financial habits. These skills last them a lifetime.

The author, Michelle Bowes is a mother of two teenage girls and is passionate about getting her “Queens” on the pathway to success.
Michelle keeps reminding her audience of the Queen’s mantra:
Money is the key that will unlock my dreams.
Learning how to look after my money is an important step
in learning how to look after myself.
I believe that one of the reasons this book will resonate with teenagers is the beautiful illustrations by Kushla Ross. Throughout the book, teenage influencers are used to strengthen the storyline.
It is very comforting to know that superstars like Beyoncé use their “Queen Power” to actively support girls in being financially independent.

There are many similar examples throughout the book. My favorite was from Serena Williams.

The book has a wealth of additional support literature, workbooks and templates for those you want to create items such as a budget or a CV for themselves. By the time they have completed reading the book, they will have the skills to be financially independent. As various teenage milestones are reached, the author explains how to meet the new experience.
In the book there are a set of characters, typical of different teenage avatars. Girls will quickly identify with these characters and recognize similarities in themselves. Hopefully they will adopt the personalities of the girls most likely to succeed in their chosen careers.
For mothers reviewing this book for their daughters, I would highly recommend you purchase a hard copy that your daughter can keep on the bookshelf and use for many years to come.
This is the perfect Teen Girls Guide to Money.

If you are looking for a book to inspire yourself, I would suggest reading my book review of The Pink Hard Hat by Louise Fitzgerald-Baker. It would also be a great read for your daughters who have started working full-time and want to start their future financial journey.
Glenis Phillips SF FIN – Good Financial Reads
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