Financial Mappers is pleased to announce that we have integrated with the Worksorted CRM.
We believe that this is very advantageous to both companies and look forward to a long relationship. For those, who are thinking of changing CRMs, I would recommend you have a detailed look at what Worksorted can offer you.
The integration from Worksorted
For those businesses using Worksorted alongside Financial Mappers, the integration will provide an efficient process for ensuring all client files are updated in Worksorted when client communication is sent from your Financial Mappers profile.
Worksorted has a custom export embedded in the CRM which allows client details to be exported individually or in bulk in a Financial Mappers specific format. Once you have exported client details from Worksorted you can then upload the client export file into Financial Mappers.

Upon sending a client review or report from your Financial Mappers profile you will have the option to also send the details to Worksorted as a client note. If this option is selected, a client note will be automatically saved in the clients Worksorted profile to reflect the communication and attachment(s) sent.

This new integration provides users of both Worksorted and Financial Mappers with a more streamlined and efficient method of ensuring client files are up-to-date and accurate.
Want support exporting your Financial Mappers client file?
Type ‘Financial Mappers Export’ in the Worksorted in-system ‘Support & Learning’ tab for a guided support walkthrough
The integration from Financial Mappers
From the Financial Mappers side, when a Report (or the Client Review link) is generated, the file can automatically be uploaded to Worksorted and placed in the client’s file.

Please reach out to either Worksorted or Financial Mappers if you would like a demonstration of their software.
Glenis Phillips SF FIN – Designer of Financial Mappers
Disclaimer: Financial Mappers does not have an Australian Services License, does not offer financial planning advice, and does not recommend financial products.