Cost Analysis: Is LVL Timber more Economical than Standard?
Find out about the differences in timber materials.
Find out about the differences in timber materials.
There is no time to be lost if you have not started investing for your future.
Find out if your industry is most at risk of Business Fraud and find out how to protect yourself
This book is recommended for those who want to achieve financial independence without any complex strategies or detailed knowledge of money management.
Do you know the real value of your property. Find out how Property Valuation Companies may help you find out and the reason this information may be important.
Everyday someone will lose a significant amount of money from a scammer. Find out how you can protect yourself.
Your office is a statement of your company. Here you will find helpful hints on how to get the most benefit from your commercial cleaning service.
Organization is the key to a successful overseas holiday. Here you will find great tips to get you started with planning your next overseas holiday.
Tips for business owners who want to buy candles at wholesale prices.
Having your home destroyed by flood is a heart-breaking and expensive. It is important to understand the implications of flood insurance.
Have your New Year Resolutions included measures to improve your financial wellness.
This article gives valuable tips on how to prepare a farm for valuation. Some of the tips my translate to other real estate.
Understanding the cost of maintenance, may help you manage your unexpected expenses better
This book is a great reference guide for women who want to maximise their Superannuation benefits.
Equity in your home, may be a source of attaining loans at a lower interest rate that personal loans.
A Financial Mappers Gift Voucher may be a means of enabling your children to make better financial choices.
For those who want to increase the return on their investments, a Private Debt Fund may give higher returns but also higher risks.
Affordable financial advice is restricted to the wealthy. Can Superannuation funds fill the gap in providing financial advice to the mass market.
Total and Permanent Disability, commonly referred to as TPD is a topic most people try to avoid. However having a full understanding of how to get the best financial outcome in such tragic circumstances is essential.
It is time to start preparing for the upcoming Christmas expenses.
Providing Perks to employees can be a cost effective means of retaining and attracting staff.
Before you buy real estate, consider the cost of the building’s body corporate fees
Both the consumer and the financial advice industry want a simpler and more affordable means of delivering advice to whose who are currently excluded.
We can’t predict when home mortgages will rise or fall, but it is helpful if you can consider a range of “What If”scenarios
Most people in Australia have access to financial services, but some slip through the cracks.
Our guest, Myra Torp gives valuable insights into the problem of fraud and your Superannuation.
Planning for your retirement is likely to ensure that as the book says, your retirement will be successful.
Mortgage Brokers who want a better understanding of their clients full financial information can now engage with their client using the software Advice Online.
It is so easy to make excuses and not make decisions that may change your whole financial future.
Good Financial Reads recommends this book for all those who have some of their wealth invested in the share market either with directly investing, managed funds or your superannuation.
The dilemma for accountants is not knowing in advance their clients investment decisions. Find out how this dilemma can be solved.
Have you prepaid the information your accountants requires at the end of the financial year.
Younger clients are looking for financial adviser’s who can provide them with the level of advice they can afford,
June is the month to review all your income and expenses to ensure nothing has been omitted.
Good Financial Reads recommends this book as an excellent resource regarding Wills and Estate Planning.
HECS debt can become a serious financial burden, if you don’t understand the implications of how the debt is calculated by the government.
Financial Mappers can help you make your Financial Drams a reality
To maximise your retirement income, you should prepare in advance.
There are 12.6 millions Australians with unmet financial advice needs. Advice Online will allow these people to be serviced by Financial Advisers.
Both Financial Mappers and Advice Online customised for specific countries. Country specific licences are available if required.
Read what the experts are predicting for this year and how it may affect housing affordability.
Plencore Wealth has expanded their advice software to include Advice Online.
Find out the advantages of paying down debt
Providing financial literacy programs to employees has been shown to improve productivity in the workplace.
Out of control debt can damage your long term financial situation.
Paying for services you never use is a waste of money.
Consumers will now have the choice of a Qualified Adviser or a Financial Adviser when seeking financial advice from a professional.
The end of the year, is a good time for Financial Advisers to review their current Fintech Stack and see if there are options that may be of value with the anticipated changes to the way in which financial advice is delivered.
Clients who have been exposed to digital experiences are looking for better engagement with the advice documents provided by their financial adviser.
Big changes are expected in the Financial Services Industry, with Superannuation Funds likely to play a larger role in the financial advice space.
With the government’s resolve to make financial advice available to young Australians, software is now available to enable delivery of affordable advice.
Find a solution to providing affordable advice to everyday Australians.
Plencore Wealth announces the launch of its new software Advice Online, designed to meet the challenges of the QAR.
How to manage your money properly. How to deal with the psychological side of money as well as the economic and financial side of money. It’s very complex.
There are many simple things you can do to stop making financial mistakes.
A wonderful evening of networking and learning was hosted by FINSIA’s Young Finance Professionals (YFP).
Kate Campbell presents compelling evidence to find happiness through better money managements.
Good Financial Reads recommends “How to pay your mortgage off in 10 years (even when interest rates are going up)” as valuable resource for both debt and money management.
The start of a new financial year is the perfect time to get your finances in order and create financial plan to secure your financial future.
Valuable tips for how you can take control of your money.
Good Financial Reads reviews “The Ulysses Contract: How to never worry about the Share Market again”.
With the current rental crisis, prospective tenants need to ensure their past tenancy record will make them an attractive prospective tenant.
Strategies that will take your business to the next level and grow your business. Read suggestions by Joyce Wilson.
ChatGPT is likely to influence the way in which financial advice is delivered, but there are alternatives likely to deliver better outcomes.
Australia is changing the way financial advice is delivered and there is likely to be a flow-on effect to New Zealand
Plencore Wealth is developing a new product to allow the Financial Services Industry deliver affordable and less complex financial advice.
With rising interest rates, banks are offering large cashback amounts to secure more customers. You need to research the full cost.
A near death experience can sharpen your attention on matters relating to your finances.
Trial & Heirs gives great insights into famous people, and their heirs who have publicly battled in the courts, providing lessons for all.
A very good introduction to investing your money.
The teen Girl’s Guide to Money. Money Queens – Rule your Money is recommended by Good Financial Reads.
The two types of investment clubs are for educational purposes and the second for pooled investing.
Market research before you purchase a property may save you costly mistakes. Understand why Real Estate Prices change for different reasons.
Have you explored the effect of taking extended leave from work? Have you considered time off for study, family duties or illness.
Trevor Sykes, of Pierpont fame, writes a brilliant history of two centuries of corporate collapses in Australia.
Portfolio Management in these uncertain times is a challenge for all. Use our financial planning software to improve your asset management
Superannuation is the cornerstone of your retirement funds. Learn how to boost your super and have more money to spend in retirement
With increasing cyber security risks, financial advisers are moving to the use of Client Portals and not sending sensitive information through email.
Financial Mappers Pro is pleased to announce it has upgraded its software to improve cyber security for financial advisers.
Making a financial plan is not always easy, but it will give you a clear picture of your cash flow, savings, and expenses.
If you have an investment property, it is essential to remember that unforeseen circumstances might cause a loss of rental income for landlords. Do you have the right rental property insurance to cover them?
Preparing your tax return should turn your attention to the state of your finances. Now is a good time to make a new financial resolution – Start a Financial Plan.
The RBA suggests that there are likely to be more increases in interest rates. How will this affect your loan payments?
Financial Mappers Pro now accommodates financial advisers located in New Zealand and other countries.
A Real Estate Investing mentor will assist property investors in finding the best property to suit their particular financial needs.
Before you purchase any Real Estate, it is important that you have checked the title to ensure you are buying what you think you are.
This is book demonstrates the power of paying down personal debt and releasing funds better served for investing.
Setting Financial Goals will help achieve your short and long term goals.
Frank Watkins writes a compelling set of tips for all share investors in his book “The Best 50 Trading Tips”.
Discover more ways of investing in real estate apart from residential property.
Searching for the Land Title is an important part of buying real estate.
FinTech is providing Financial Advisers with more digital solutions for financial advice.
James Fitzgerald brings a wealth of real estate knowledge to his book “Bullet Proof Investing – Gaining Financial Control in Uncertain Times”.
Saving for a home is much easier if you set yourself some rules about saving and when you can afford to purchase your new home.
There is a movement among young people to save more at the start of their career so they have more options when they are older.
Millennials see the value in preparing for their retirement early, thus giving them many more choices as they get older.
Dealer Groups appear to be telling their advisers to lose clients with a small investment base or who have low to average incomes. Such clients are called, “Orphaned Clients”.
Louse Fitzgerald-Baker in her book “The Pink Hard Hat – A Woman’s Guide to Resilience” should prove a favourite with women who need help with getting their finances in order.
Employer sponsored financial literacy programs improve employee productivity. Find out how Financial Mappers can help
Movies often help us understand the inner workings of Wall Street.
Financial Wellness is something everyone should strive for. Brittany Fisher explains how to improve your Financial Well.
Patricia Howard, author of the No-Regrets Guide to Retirement is a totally engaging book.
For any share investor, this book “Stocks on the Move” gives valuable insights into momentum trading.
New Zealand Financial Mappers can customize Financial Mappers for their cash flow modelling software
Financial Mappers gives advisers new digital financial planning that will speed up the financial planning process and improve client engagement.
Bruce Christie is an excellent mentor to the young. This is the perfect gift for people who are starting to earn their first pay cheque.
According to author, Darren Kingdon, if you can “Master your Super” then you can drive your SMSF to big profits.
If you start saving for Christmas in September each year, you should not be left with overspending and debts for the New Year.
Financial Mappers gives Financial Advisers a selection of digital financial planning and client engagement tools.
Millennials offer Financial Advisers new challenges as they demand now methods of client engagement.
Together Australia is promoting a National Financial Literacy Program with the help of Adviser Ratings.
With Financial Mappers, Mortgage Brokers have two software types to increase client engagement and maintain long term client relationships.
Employers who help their staff remove financial stress will reap the benefits with improved productivity.
Explore the services that are available for relatives who are getting older and require assistance.
Financial Mappers enables those Financial Advisers who want to service large volume, low cost clients.
This book, the “Life-First Advisor” is excellent reading for all financial advisors.
“Aged Care, Who Cares” offers relatives of the elderly an excellent resource for managing their care.
There are new threats to the financial services industry. Find out how Financial Advisers can protect themselves with new digital financial planning tools.
Discover the long term effect of withdrawing Superannuation before retirement.
When financial markets show signs of losing value or have already lost considerable value, there are actions you can take to protect your investments.
In volatile and uncertain economic times, using financial planning software to set strategies to counter the effect may say you thousands of dollars.
“Making Money Made Simple” is a timeless book by Noel Whittaker and is the book that brought him to world attention.
Financial Mappers is a partner at the FPA Congress 2019
Andy Marshall in his book “Client Engagement for Financial Advisors” is an excellent resource for all Financial Advisors.
Grant Abbott offers and excellent guide to to trustees managing SMSFs.
The CEO of Financial Mappers explains the upgrade to the Financial Mappers Client Portal
Glenis Phillips will be presenting a Demonstration of Financial Mappers Pro on stage at the Adviser Innovation Summit 2019
Financial Mappers is now integrated with the CRM Worksorted
Explore Finametrica’s method of risk profile and see how risk profiling is accommodated in Financial Mappers
Smart Money Smart Kids is written by one of America’s most influential authors and his daughter. Excellent resource for anyone who wants to maintain low levels of debt.
A Bundle of Wisdom is a collection of four books written by Noel Whittaker. These four books are an excellent means of upgrading your financial skills for a very moderate cost.
Visit Financial Mappers at the Accounting Business Expo 2019
Improving one’s financial management skills will relieve your financial stress. Learn how to get control of your spending habits.
If you are in the business of sales, this book give you plenty of ideas in you are in corporate banking or the financial services industry
The Barefoot Investor, Scott Pape delivers another excellent book to help families manage their money and ensure their children learn the same skills.
Paul Benson is an experienced Financial Adviser who also has a website called Financial Autonomy.
Financial Mappers has been invited to exhibit at the Fintech Australian HUB of SIBOS 2018 in Sydney
While there may be advantages to use Interest Only Loans, investors should also consider the risks that may arise.
Even in the hands of experts, Excel has limitations, including errors in formula. Financial planning software offers a a better solution for financial planning.
Glenis Phillips of Financial Mappers will be demonstration Financial Mapper Pro on stage at the Adviser Innovation Summit 2018
Finding the means to purchase your first home can be a struggle for many. Here are three simple strategies that will help you buy your first home.
Financial planning for a baby should start years before its arrival. Find out how you can save for when you income may drop after the arrival of your baby.
Financial stress is listed as one of the top causes of marriage breakdown. Find out how to reduce financial stress and maybe help your relationship.
Investors understand that share price will rise and fall. However, there may be able to plan for when price have a much greater fall than the usual cyclical market.
You’ll be spoilt for chooses when your read Good Financial Reads. list of holiday investment books.
Financial Mappers will be presenting at the FPA Congress 2017 in the Fintech Hub
Explore the opportunities in Financial Mappers to create a financial plan. This is holistic cash flow modelling software.
Leonardi da Vinci said “Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication”. At Financial Mappers we believe our software delivers on this statement.
Financial Mappers is an Event Partner at the upcoming IFA-CON conference to be held in Sydney
Financial Mappers is a Gold Partner at the Adviser Bootcamp for Mortgage Brokers
For anyone interested in knowing how Warren Buffet became one of the richest men in the world, this documentary will give you many insights into both his private and public life.
Investment decisions need careful planning before you purchase. With Financial Mappers you can test the likely outcomes of your investment before you buy.
Financial Mappers named in ‘SMART 100’ Index for 2017
Margaret Lomas as always offers sound advice in her book “Investing in the Right Property Now!”
The most efficient way to do your tax is to start preparation before the end of the financial year. This allows you to check that all your tax deductions and income are in order.
Sometimes investment decisions are made and later you may have doubts about that decision. If so you can use Financial Mappers to do some cash flow modelling and “What if” scenarios to decide if you should sell or hold the investment.
David Phillips, CEO of Financial Mappers, was part of the winning team for the BOQ Hackathon.
Managing your rental property can be easy if you follow some simple rules. Read about five good tips to manage your rental property.
Financial Mappers will be exhibiting at the CMSF 2017 Conference, sponsored by the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustee.
Financial Mappers will be exhibiting at the Myriad Festival, sponsored by Advance Queensland.
Gearing is term for borrowing money to buy investments. You can purchase property, shares and ETFs using borrowed funds.
By using a Debit Card, you have to save the money before you can spend it. For many this will stop them from getting into long term credit card debt problems.
This article reviews a selection of Australian Share Trading books and their authors
Financial Mappers has a comprehensive set of options for academic staff who want to use Financial Mappers for course work in their Financial Planning Courses.
“The Snowball – Warren Buffett and the Business of Life” gives wonderful insights to Warren Buffett and his wife Suzie’s life.
Trading Secrets one of many excellent share trading books written by Louise Bedford.
Some Investment Newsletters provide a valuable information that is not freely available. However, there is a danger you can oversubscribe and not have time to read all the material.
The SMSF Trustee Empowerment Day was a great opportunity for exposure to new ideas on how to invest in your SMSF.
It may be surprising to many that wealthy people often live modestly and their wealth has resulted from long-term investing.
For many there may be advantages to investing in a Property Trust rather than committing a large amount, often with large debts to purchase a property.
This book has a delightful set of sketches demonstrating “dumb things people do with money”.
There are many reasons why everyone needs a will if they want to have control over how their assets are distributed should they die.
It is normal for share prices to move through through cycles of upward and downward trends. Sometimes it is hard to decide if you should buy, sell or hold when share prices are falling.
The Australian Investors Association is a great organization for like-minded investors. They organize regular monthly meetings and several conference each year.
For those who want a detailed explanation of how to invest in “Value Shares”, this is an excellent reference guide.
In this article, we share our top tips for budgeting for the new financial year, from creating a financial forecast to discussing money matters with your partner, setting savings goals, and using a budgeting app or financial planning tool. So the end of the financial year is over, phew! You’ve probably had a few celebratory…
Here are four great tips for saving for your home deposit.
There are many obligations for the Trustees of a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund.
The movie, “The Big Short” demonstrate how bubbles in real estate can form and the dire consequences when the real estate bubble bursts.
Robo-Advisors may help for investors with simple needs, however, Financial Mappers may be a better alternative for those who want to learn more about managing their investments.
Investing in toys such as Lego, can be profitable for those who understand the market and what items to choose for investment.
Find out where you can access good resources to help you manage your SMSF.
Investing in yourself with financial literacy programs and reading finance books will help you build a better financial future. Check out Good Financial Reads.
Setting financial goals and testing how you will achieve those financial goals is very important for your financial wellness.
If you loose your money or credit card when travelling, it can be a disaster. Check out ways to keep your money safe when travelling.
An excellent review of changing economic circumstances over 25 years and how they affected management of money and finances.
A common question asked is “Will I have enough money to last my retirement years”. Now you can find out by using Financial Mappers.
To make sure you have enough money when you retire, creating a financial plan now is a good strategy.
Use Financial Mappers to explore your SMSF strategies. Your SMSF account is integrated into your holistic financial plan.
This is an excellent book for young people starting out on their financial journey.
Do not let your tenants treat you as their personal lender. Find out how to ensure your tenants pay their rent on time.
A diversified portfolio of investments is likely to reduce the risk. If you have all you assets in one investment, the risk to your total wealth is high if that investment falls in value.
Planning in advance is likely to help you ensure you can maintain your income requirements in retirement.
To get maximum benefit from the time you spend with your Financial Advisor, you need to prepare for the meeting. Make sure you have all the information your Financial Advisor will require.
One way to control your spending, ask yourself “What will I throw out, if I buy this item” then don’t buy it.
One practical way to teach your children budget skills may be to give them a clothes budget. Once the money is spent, there is no more.
Are you looking for somewhere to retire? Here are some of the places considered the best place for retirees.
Young people who start saving for retirement early, give themselves many more options when they get older.
Warren Buffett was one of the most influential people in the world for many years. His legacy is likely to live on for generations.
If you want to improve your financial wellness, taking the time to create a budget is the first place to start.
This is my all time favourite book as it explains the balance between saving and enjoying those savings.
This Infographic gives you all the information you need to know about financial mapping essentials in one place! If you want to share this infographic on your website, you can get the code here.
Bad debt is generally considers buying things on credit that loose value. Good debt is generally considered debt used to purchase investments that may grow in value.
Retirees now live for a long time and need to give careful consideration as to the types of assets that will best meet their needs in retirement.
If you want to improve your long term financial wealth, you must take control of your finances today. This may ensure your financial wellbeing in later years
Robo-advisors are increasing in popularity for simple investment selection. However, Financial Mappers offers investors a much more detailed means of selecting investments.
Internet calculator have limitations for your financial calculations. Using cloud-based software is a better alternative.
This 92 year old self-funded retiree has a wealth of knowledge to share. Discover his rules for investing.